On Wednesday, Big Bear turns eight! Eight? Wait a minute. How did that happen? Who said she was allowed to grow up?
It's out of my hands. Eight and about to finish second grade. Things have changed quite a bit since I was her age. Today she was excited about learning multiplication in school, something I didn't learn until fourth grade.
Plus, she's graduated from the two-hour birthday party with cake and balloons to a spend-the-night bash. I've gotta prep the house and my eardrums for a whole evening (and morning) of squealing, shrieking, running girls. I don't know who I feel sorrier for: me or my elderly cats. At least they can hide under the bed without seeming rude.
But seriously, I'm very proud of my munchkin. She may show the 'tude of a disgruntled thirteen-year-old complete with eye-roll and 'whatever' at home, but out in public, she's an angel. I so jazzed she's already caught the reading bug. This girl has blazed through the following series: Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Junie B. Jones, Franny K. Stein, Araminta Spookie, and the first thirteen Secrets of Droon. In addition, she scarfs down my Baby Blues comic books left and right. Yes, she'll do anything to push back her bedtime.
So, Happy Birthday Sedona. You rock! And you're a cover girl. Her YMCA camp picked this picture for their brochure. (She's the one in the blue t-shirt.)
What was your favorite birthday memory as a kid?