Monday, March 26, 2012

Sad Song Blogfest

Sad Clown
Image courtesy: D Sharon Pruitt: Sad Clown

Today is L. Diane Wolf’s Sad Song Blogfest! Huzzah! Let’s get things rolling, in reverse order, with a blast from the past:

10. Elton John’s Sad Songs Say So Much (The title says it all.)

9. Bonnie Tyler’s Total Eclipse Of The Heart (Turn around, bright eyes, ’cause every day I fall apart, sniff)

8. Billy Ray Cyrus’s Achy, Breaky Heart


Image courtesy: gl0ri

Hold on . . .

Oh, crap. That’s my top ten BAD Song List. Let’s try this again, shall we? And yes, I’m gonna keep on misbehavin’. I could narrow it down to eleven, but no further.

11. Riders On The Storm (The Doors)

Morrison sounds pretty despondent on this one. That voice, the spooky lyrics referencing a homicidal hitchhiker, and the literal thunderstorm in the background always leave me feeling like a lost, little kid.

10. It’s Alright (Baby’s Coming Back) / Eurythmics

If you’re promising to be someone’s destiny, dignity, storm at seas, and everything else under the sun, it’s not all right. Baby’s not coming back, and I think you know it.

9. Heartbreaker (Rolling Stones)

With a depressing social commentary on street violence this 1973 classic still rings true —consider the Trayvon Martin case.

8. Driver 8 (R.E.M)

The musical equivalent to Frost’s “miles to go before I sleep”. The conductor says take a break, we can reach our destination. But, replies the exhausted driver, we’re still a ways away.

7. Bittersweet (Big Head Todd and the Monsters)

A tale of love gone wrong but still going—more sweet than bitter, baby.

6. The Wind Cries Mary (Jimi Hendrix)

The psychedelic lyrics are as awesome as the guitar playing.

5. Interstate Love Song (Stone Temple Pilots)

It was tough to pick between this and Plush, but Interstate is more mournful, so it wins.

4. Major Tom (David Bowie)

Spaceman urges ground control to ‘tell my wife I love her very much’ just before something goes catastrophically wrong.

3. Badge (Eric Clapton)

She cried away her life since she fell off the cradle—now that’s sad.

2. Burden In My Hand (Soundgarden)

According to Wikipedia, this song’s about a man who murders his woman and leaves her body in the desert, a 1990s “Hey Joe” (that’s Hendrix for you young’uns).

1. I Got ID (Pearl Jam)

The lyrics are about unrequited love, but it’s the guitar bridge that slays me. It makes me want to learn how to play even at my age.

Done! Now, why do I have the sinking feeling I’ll get more comments on that faux bad list?

Click on the blogfest button on the upper left hand corner to get back to the list.


  1. that is a great list, even the acky-bracky one... that is sad. did you ever hear the original inspiration for it.

    Please Check out My Sad Song List...
    Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
    Visit The Madness:

  2. *giggles* Oh, you had me for a minute there. Definitely prefer your real list! I'm not familiar with all of, but I see a number of bands I know I like on it.

    (I would so so love it if you'd get rid of word verification--it really doesn't block much and they are so hard to see)

  3. That's news to me, Hart! I wasn't aware I had word verification going. Thanks for the info!

  4. great list. I think my favorite on your list is Major Tom.

  5. Excellent choice, I love most of these, especially Major Tom :)

    Universal Gibberish

  6. BWHAHAHAHAH!!! you totally got me with your faux list. i was like achy breaky??????
    and clowns are freaky
    and then you broke out your real list of songs.
    and i don't know ANY of them!
    this post has been an emotional journey for me! :P

  7. Oh, I haven't heard Wind Cries Mary in forever. Absolutely on Riders On The Storm.

    You cracked me up with the Screech and stop, lol!


  8. LOL! Loved the beginning of your post.

    I'll have to go back and listen to that Soundgarden song. The saddest one by them I can think of is Black Hole Sun.

  9. Hi Diane, I almost put Black Hole Sun on the list.

  10. LOL! Totally fell for the faux-lse start. ;)

    Very nice list there. Several I'm not familiar with but will look them up. :)

  11. Great list!

    I have to say I was wondering when it got to Achy Breaky Heart ;-)

    I love Riders on the Storm and The Wind Cries Mary but Major Tom my top pick from your list.

  12. Well, I was going to be polite about it, but I'm glad you nipped in all in the bud and came up with the real list. It's an interesting list indeed.

    Sad Songs Blogfests—Places I Remember
    Wrote By Rote
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  13. Browsing the Sad Song list nice song choices.

  14. I must be on the top ten list for the most pathetic because I've never heard of most of those songs! haha

  15. Don't feel bad Judy, I've seen many a list of songs I don't know today.

  16. Hi, Tamara,
    I'm not familiar with your gooduns, but I do know that bad ones. :)

  17. So, like others, I wasn't familiar with a lot of your choices but, after looking up a couple, I see why they made your list!

    Visions of Other Worlds

  18. I love the photo. So many great picks which are on my playlist. That album by REM, I used to play that over, and over, and over, and over. Drove my boyfriend at the time crazy.

  19. So many great songs! I have at least half of these on my iTunes - love them. Great choices! :)

  20. This is the first blog I've visited on the blog fest that has songs I've never heard or heard of. Well, on your sad song list. I've heard a few on your dreadful song list. Didn't much care for them either. LOL

  21. You got me with your sad clown! I don't have any of these on my playlist, but all are good (including your fauxs!).

  22. I know a bunch of these. Great eclectic list! Thanks for sharing.

  23. Some of these are very familiar---great song choices!

    ---Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  24. Nice to meet you Tamara
    Oh, riders on the storm is so haunting. Great list.

  25. Great list. Loved the Achy Breaky interlude.
    Also appreciated seeing Driver 8 on the list. Most people would have gone to Everybody Hurts, but Driver 8 is more subtle. Well played.


I will do everything in my power to visit commenter's blogs unless I've been abducted by aliens or my children get sick. (If my children get abducted by aliens, I will be very busy, of course, catching up on my sleep.)