Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Insecure Writer's Support Group

Last month I posted about my dilemma with letting the e-magazine Wormhole Electric publish a group of my short stories as a stand-alone book. A flattering offer, but I said no. At least, not yet.

At first I thought I should do it just for the experience. What better way to learn about marketing than to try it? On the other hand, publishing and marketing a book is not something I want to do without a huge, bouyant load of enthusiasm. I don’t have that. Right now, such a prospect is as appealing as a steaming load of brussel sprouts.

Image courtesy: Joy

(Bleck! The only thing worse may be creamed corn. My mother once told me I was not to leave the table until I finished my bowl of that yellow bile. Two hours later, she gave up and I went to bed.)

Anyway, there is an upside. As a compromise, the Wormhole Electric editor offered me my own issue. Usually the monthly magazine features three different authors, but I could have one to myself with two or three tales. This sounds like a better fit for me. Now I just have to come up with some awesome stories!

It also hit me that my short stories are on Amazon. Like right now. Why not get my feet wet by attempting to market them as they are? 

I can hear my mother now: Go on, try it. You might like it!


  1. That does sound like a better deal! Let us know when the magazine is out.

  2. I LOVE brussel sprouts! And 'bile'??? Seriously?? Like using that word will get ANY kid to eat their food. LOL!

    Sounds like an awesome opportunity with Wormhole Electric. Get your butt in gear & write!! Best of luck.

  3. Having your own issue of the magazine is pretty awesome! I've never liked brussel sprouts, either. :)

  4. Poor brussel sprouts. I guess that leaves more for me! If the editor is willing to compromise, that speaks volumes. Run with what works for you. :)

  5. It seems like worth getting your feet wet. And you know moms, they're usually rights.

  6. Love Brussels sprouts. Hate marketing. But it has to be done. Good luck!

    And thank you for stopping over at Sir Poops and Hair Ball's blog. They just love visitors.

  7. An issue to yourself sounds wonderful. The marketing part is no fun but you will get through it.

  8. Wow, that's a great offer. When anyone shows that much faith and love for your work, definitely jump at the chance. Congratulations!

  9. I try to think of marketing as finding good playdates for one of my babies. Sometimes, it's a one-time thing. A day of fun that doesn't really go anywhere. Sometimes, it's a life long friendship.

  10. Very cool. Now we can get to check out these stories.

  11. Love the idea of a magazine issue just for you!


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