Friday, July 15, 2016

Celebrate the Small Things - July 15

Today we celebrate the accomplishments of the week, be they big or small. This blog hop is hosted by the amazing Lexa Cain and her co-hosts: L.G. Keltner and Tonya Drecker. Let's get started.

1. This is a big one: the generosity of the blogging community. When I asked for help promoting my short story collection, I expected maybe seven or so volunteers. I got more than triple that, even one from this blog hop who offered way before I asked. Today M.J. Fifield is allowing me to be a guest blogger over at My Pet Blog for a discussion/book promo on spooky baby monitor tales. And Diana Wilder has some lovely things to say about the collection over at ...about myself, by myself...

Source: mrplough; creepy baby monitor picture

2. I mentioned that my husband and I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary by running a 5K race on July 4. I did beat him, but not by the couple of minutes as in our 2015 race. He was right on my heals this time, 8 seconds behind. Yikes! If I want to keep the lead next year, I'll have to train. Not that I'm sure this is all that important. These days I'm more interested in running longer distances than shorter times. 

3. Have you heard of the running man challenge? Basically, whenever you hear a certain part of the song "My Boo" by the Ghost Town DJs you are supposed to drop whatever you're doing and start the running man dance.

Anyhoo, a fellow by the handle of WolfieRaps got creative and decided to take the challenge to a whole 'nother level. If you need to de-stress and giggle yourself silly, this is so worth a look. It will also make you want to run out and buy your own T-rex suit. (Thanks to my daughter for sharing this with me.)

How was your week? Are you looking up the running man dance yet? Any awesome YouTube video pranks you love?


  1. That one guy got into it with them. Not sure the bus driver was happy though.
    I guess your husband has been training!
    Glad you got a lot of help with your book.

  2. I'm so glad the blogging community has been generous to you! For me it's hard to make those essential connections but I'm working on it. Hope your book does very well as a result.

    Nissa from

  3. Congrats on your short story release! I'd be happy to do a promo for you on my blog. My e-mail is Just send me the details. :)
    Have a good weekend!

  4. You're right about this blogging community being great. In fact, there are friendly and helpful writers on all social media. I've been constantly amazed by their generosity. Good luck with your book tour and the guest post!

  5. Have fun with your book Glad everyone was so helpful to you. Congrats on all you've accomplished. Happy weekend.

  6. Funny video. Great things here. When I put a signup form on my blog, fellow bloggers are amazing in helping me out.

  7. Well done with the running . . . 8 secs sounds pretty good to me! It is a great community of bloggers to belong to wishing you lots of luck and fun with your book tour.

  8. I just read your post over on MJ's blog. Now I'm scared. LOL

  9. Thanks for the fun video clip. Love your book cover and your guest posts at MJ's blog!

    Yvonne V

  10. This is an amazing glad you're finding so much support. The video clip has me wanting to buy a costume and head out into the world!

  11. Tamara, glad to hear you got a lot of help from fellow Bloggers promoting your book. The Blogging community is wonderful like that. Oh that video is so silly. It had me smiling all the way through it. lol Have a good weekend and thanks for sharing your CTST list and for stopping in for a visit!

    More Than A Feeling #BoTB showdown #music #celebrate

  12. Congratulations on your book release, on your wedding anniversary and on winning your race. Magnificent in every way.
    I have nominated you for this year’s Liebster Award. If you decide to accept, the instructions are at my book review website at:
    Have a nice Sunday.
    Shalom aleichem,

  13. Sounds like very good things are happening for you. Congratulations on your book release and remember you are invited to write a post about it for my blog.

  14. I've seen videos of these guys doing gymnastics and running an obstacle course. Hilarious!

  15. Okay, that baby monitor picture is super creepy!


I will do everything in my power to visit commenter's blogs unless I've been abducted by aliens or my children get sick. (If my children get abducted by aliens, I will be very busy, of course, catching up on my sleep.)