Friday, March 17, 2017

Celebrate the Small Things

It's Friday again? Why, yes it is! Have something to celebrate? Stop by and see Lexa Cain and join our weekly blog-hop. And don't forget the co-hosts: L.G. Keltner and Tonya Drecker.

Last week was off the rails due to a highly unusual wind storm. School was cancelled for two days and the main thoroughfare to just about every place we go was closed due to several power poles (and lines) going down. 

I was hoping for a calmer week, but Mother Nature had other plans. She sent us this:

And this: 

These days, when the weather calls for snow, I roll my eyes and say, "Yeah, right. They predict three inches and we get a flurry. They predict eight inches and we might get one. Big whoop."
Well, this time I was wrong. The snowfall topped expectations! Hurrah!

Of course, with this much snow, there is a price to pay. Schools were closed, again, for Tuesday and Wednesday. My older daughter's play rehearsals were cancelled, again. I feel terrible for the director and other people in charge. Two major weather incidents right before opening. What a mess!

And then there's the shoveling. We do have a snow blower, but I won't let my husband use it. Shoveling is great exercise and after being stuck inside with arguing children, a 10 degree wind chill doesn't scare me. Two days later, however, my back and shoulders are screaming. 

See these snow banks? That's all me, folks. I'm a shoveling machine.

My younger daughter, just chillin'

Did you know that snow banks make very comfy chairs (provided you're wearing snow pants)?

Okay, so windstorm, snowstorm, then... What will Mother Nature throw at us next week? Stay tuned and let's hope it's not one of those

Image: Chris Hill

Has your March been wild?


  1. I'm cold just looking at those pics! Stay warm!

  2. No offense, but you can keep all that snow!

  3. That is a lot of snow. I bet you're exhausted.

  4. Wow! That is a lot of snow. So nice when the weather predictions are finally correct, right? After moving ashore from our boat in the tropics, my husband and I spent one (mild) winter in New England, last year, and said that was enough. I shoveled snow for the first time ever, but just a walking path, no driveway! While it has been wet and relatively chilly in Northern California this winter (next year we will have to go to Mexico to house sit :-)), at the moment, we have no complaints and are happy with our drive across the country.

  5. I know all that snow was a lot of work and disrupted so many plans, but those pictures are beautiful. The top one and the second from the bottom could easily be Christmas cards! Hope your aching muscles will soon be back to normal. Good luck to your daughterwhen the school play is finally performed.

  6. Snow can be beautiful but also a problem. At least you got some great pictures and exercise out of it.

  7. Oh My! That is some snow all right! I'm out in the garden with sunscreen and a bracero hat. It's mid 70's here. We should be able to spread the weather more evenly, shouldn't we?

  8. These pictures are really beautiful, but I also know how disruptive it can be. Stay warm!

  9. Can the play opening be pushed back? Seems like the weather might require that.

  10. You shoveled that long driveway by yourself? You're superwoman! Interesting that you left the arguing kids inside and went outside to do the work. I'd have stayed inside where it was warm, baked cookies, and tossed the little-uns outside to do the work - cookies as a reward when the job was done. (Yes, I'm a meanie and lazy to boot.) It seems like you're still in the Lion part of March. I'm sure the Lamb is on its way. :)

  11. Wow, you must be super powered to shovel all that! Do you get an award? So sad about the play rehearsal. It's disappointing for everyone. It's the first day of spring next week so we'll hope for no more snow.

  12. Beautiful photos. I find myself missing snow and wanting to dig out cross country skis when looking at your photos. Here, we had our 2nd and 3rd night of the winter where the temperature dropped below freezing! That's a warm winter, even for here.

  13. Thanks for sharing your lovely snow pictures. We've gone from a "winter break" that hit the 60s to about a foot of snow here. So crazy!


  14. I used to pray for snow when I was younger (Living in the UK we never get that much) but now that my bones and joints are ancient I prefer sunshine. I can admire all your photos and think how pretty it is from a nice safe distance. :)

  15. Snow! We were supposed to get quite a bit, but the storm barely hit us (much to the kids' disappointment.) Great pictures!

  16. yup we got that storm too. No school Tuesday and Wednesday :( my husband in a very bad mood both days because of the shoveling :(


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