Wednesday, June 7, 2017

IWSG and Celebrate the Small Things

Good day, writers! Are you feeling insecure? Well, today's your day to release your inner, wailing child or trumpet your triumphs in the writing world. Rocking the blog-hop is our host, Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh along with this month's busy-bee cohosts: JH Moncrieff, Madeline Mora-Summonte, Jen Chandler, Megan Morgan, and Heather Gardner!

This month's question: Did you ever say “I quit?” If so, what happened to make you come back to writing? 

I never officially quit, but it feels like years have passed since I've done any "serious" writing. Editing projects stretch out over the months like taffy. Novels that I meant to start years ago are still waiting for that first paragraph to be written. A collection of short stories sits patiently on the side lines, just waiting to be posted on Amazon. 

What's the problem?

Me. I'd love to blame someone else (like my darling children). They do require lots of time, but they're also school-aged critters. Things keep popping up to steal away those precious quiet hours. Errands, doctor's appointments, house-cleaning, gardening, blogging, naps--there is always something pulling me away and I let it. Yesterday, I spent hours fiddling around with fancy card stock, glue, and chicken wire, trying to make a centerpiece for my in-laws upcoming 50th anniversary and it's not quite good enough. Grrr. 

I need to change my habits. What's is it going to take? At least I did start learning Twitter so I can participate in the IWSG Twitter pitch this July. That lovely deadline will hopefully get the massive job of editing this particular novel behind me so I can move forward with another project.


In order to free up a little bit more time this week, I'm going to go ahead and post for this week's Celebrate the Small Things. This fun blog hop is hosted by Lexa Cain, author of Bloodwalkers (now available as an audiobook) with her cohosts, L.G. Keltner and Tonya Drecker

Ever go into a carnival fun house with lots of mirrors that distort your appearance? They're hard to find these days, but with today's technology, you can stretch, squish, or swirl your image in the comfort of your home, pets included!

Here's some shots my daughter took of our darling cat, Dove:

If Klingons had cats...

Dove impersonates the cat from The Simpson's

What does the fox say?

Picasso Dove


Have a great week! 


  1. Good for you for learning Twitter! I haven't even tried. :)

    Good luck with the IWSG Twitter pitch next month!

  2. Ah, naps and Twitter. Time eating monsters!

  3. Those shots are hilarious!
    Glad you signed up for Twitter.

  4. Ah, good old procrastination. I swear most writers are more professional procrastinators than they are writers--trust me, I'm really, really skilled at it!

  5. Nothing like some chicken wire to distract you.

    I love those pictures! Especially the one with her tongue out.

  6. I totally hear you on the "too busy" and wanting to blame the children. I'm right there with you! And fun pictures!

  7. I'm having the same problem with "finding the time" to get things accomplished. The time'll come.

    I was covering an art class where the assignment was to do those sorts of things with photo editing software. I think the images look creepy, but some people like that sort of thing.

  8. Yay with Twitter! What's your handle? Come find me. I'm @crystalcollier1.

    LOL! I need to pull out the camera sometime and just play around like that. Fun times!

  9. Glad you've joined Twitter!
    I think I usually have a time/energy problem. Even when I do have time to write, I'm too tired and just end up watching TV instead. Or taking a nap.

  10. I can't figure out twitter, but understanding things like children getting into the way of writing (but they're worth it!)

  11. Yeah, I can only blame myself when I don't move forward. It's worth it to figure out Twitter.

  12. Sadly, I only have to look in a normal mirror and my image appears to be distorted! In my mind I'm 27 years old and UK size 12. The mirror say not :)

  13. Time does always slip past especially when one is leading a busy life. Warm greetings!

  14. Sometimes life does cause those interruptions in life. Glad you're participating in the twitter pitch contest. Love your pictures.

  15. Tamara,

    I allow other things to steal my time away from creative pursuits like writing, drawing, and photography but I'm trying to incorporating a bit of creativity in my day every day and that helps a lot. Oh the photo-edits of your kitty is funny. Poor Dove had no say so in this photo shoot,huh? :D Have a good day and weekend!

  16. Those pics are too funny.
    It's tough to write and have a life.

  17. Loved the cat pictures. The daily struggles do interfere. Happy IwSG and finding time.
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  18. Oh my gosh those cat pics are hilarious! So fun.
    Good luck with the Twitter pitch. I am so intimidated by those I admire you for trying it!

  19. Oh, the cats are fantastic! A fun photo series.

  20. I think it's about starting small. There's a challenge called "The 100 Club" where you challenge yourself to write 100 words for 100 days without missing a day, no matter what excuse. You can write more than 100 words, but never less. And 100 words is EASY to do... Sometimes we have to make a game of it!

  21. Having days slip by with no writing was why I decided to schedule my days. Hopefully, it helps keep me focused.

  22. HA! good question!! I ALWAYS fee insecure! :) I have quit more times that I can count but I miss writing so much that I have to go back to it :) and yes, it's a habit thing!

  23. I'm experiencing the same sort of thing at the moment, but ironically, the errands I'm doing involve making enough money to spend more time writing. :-/

  24. Writing usually takes a back seat to family and life in general. One day you'll want to sit down and put some thoughts on paper...or computer.

  25. Blogging will never replace novel writing, but it's a good way to keep your hand in. Short fiction helps too. I wish you well - deadlines are another great way of pushing yourself, indeed!

    The Vorkosiverse And Technology

  26. Interesting photos and I get what you are saying about not having done any 'serious' writing for a while. The return I have received for my efforts vis-a-vis writing has not justified the effort, so I have allowed other things to become more important. I write when I can and when I feel like it (those tow have to coincide btw) My new novel will be released at the end of the year. Writing it took nearly two years and was emotionally draining. Although I 15 chapters into the next week...I guess I'm a little tired. If you're stressing about it which I am guessing you aren't - not much anyway- don't.

    1. *those two have
      * Although I am 15 chapters into the next one

  27. I always love fun house photos. :)

    Sometimes life is really busy and sometimes projects just take a while. Happy writing!

  28. You really nailed it when you wrote "I let it." We all have choices. Sometimes it seems like we don't. We can choose to let things suck up our writing time. Been there, done that. I hope you make time to write this month.

  29. We all need downtime so we can come back to writing. :)

    Love the pictures, especially fox cat!

  30. I’ve never said “I quit” but then I’ve not really started unless writing a blog counts. I’m one of those people who mutter “one day” (is in one day I will write my book) which is probably just as bad as saying “I quit”.

  31. That center piece sounds like fun! I hear you in terms of being stuck in editing hell. Good luck with finding a balance and pace that works for you.
    Anne from

  32. Yes, so much of success involves sacrifice, sadly. To achieve great things, one must give up others.

    It's an ongoing struggle. Something is always lurking to steal the writing time.


I will do everything in my power to visit commenter's blogs unless I've been abducted by aliens or my children get sick. (If my children get abducted by aliens, I will be very busy, of course, catching up on my sleep.)