Saturday, July 17, 2010

Blog, blog, blog

Hello! I’m back from inner space. The family branches have been hosted, the carpet is in, and there are no more excuses—back to blogging. Actually, the families/carpet warn’t the problem. No, it was the big R on the full. The agent sent back specific criticisms that I decided to address. Was I busting tail to get it done? Hell yes and then some, because what if I get another request for a partial or full in the meantime?

Stop laughing. I mean it.

Now that two weeks have passed and my mailbox has virtual tumbleweeds rolling around in it, I’ve come back down to earth. Here’s what going on in my little corner of the blogosphere:

Christi Goddard tuned her followers in to this really nifty site called "I Write Like". Go on over and paste in your writing and see what great scribe is in you. You can even grab the badge and paste it on your website.

I put in about twenty different chapters of my wip (a multiple point of view work), fully expecting to see Stephen King. He showed up only twice. It seems my detective/hero voice is channeling Ian Fleming and Douglas Adams. My feisty female FBI Agent’s voice is written ala Margaret Atwood. I’m especially proud of my twenty-something psy-chic. She comes out as written by J.D.Salinger and Dan Brown. What a combo! And Leo Tolstoy popped up for my FBI Director of Intelligence. Cool. Oddly enough, my violent car crash, a sure bet for King, came up Stephanie Meyers.

So what does it all mean? Either I suffer from multiple-personality syndrome when I write, or maybe I’ve done a decent job of giving these different characters their own voice.

Speaking of badges, I suppose it’s legal for me to post a couple now. Zoe Courtman awarded all her followers the You Are My Sunshine badges several weeks ago. Thanks! If I had to design a badge, I’d call it the ‘Yellow britches’ award and give it too any blogger who made me laugh hard enough to, well, you know. Zoe, you’d be a recipient with that fluffy cat bottom thing from right before your vacation.

I also ended up in a very cool photo montage over at the Creepy Query Girl’s page. This lady has some skills, friends! She also invited several of her followers to pick a badge of their liking and I’ll take blogger buddy. Thank you, CQG, it’s delicious.

Justine Dell is back from her blog break. She shared some extremely important query pitfalls last week. If you are in the query stage, go read them. Please. Will she have the Grammar Police out in force today? Check for excellent tips most Mondays.

If you love cute cats, and who wouldn’t, be sure to head on over to L.Diane’s aka 'Spunky' for the Sunday Sillies. You’ll be glad you did, and you can even come up with your own silly caption for one of the pictures.

If you like beautiful poetry, awesome pictures, and a cute "Waffle" dog, go meet Terresa Wellborn over at The Chocolate Chip Waffle. Hannah Kincade over at Musings of a Palindrome also has mad skills for finding awesome graphics. I'd comment on her writing, but it's not loading. Technology is not my friend today. Writing Nut has reached the 100 follower mark! (And then some.) Congratulations!

And, finally, I saw several author interviews posted by Jennifer Daiker at Unedited.

Now I have two days to think of something to post other than mootching off you fine people!


I will do everything in my power to visit commenter's blogs unless I've been abducted by aliens or my children get sick. (If my children get abducted by aliens, I will be very busy, of course, catching up on my sleep.)