Monday, June 18, 2012

Letting The Ball Drop

Day 5: Juggling Anyone?
Image courtesy: Visions by Vicki

Life is busy, but things seem to reach a fever pitch in summer around here. End of school picnics, kindergarten graduation, trips to pools and parks, not to mention vacations, volunteer work, and summer camp. Oh, and I can’t forget my parent’s August visit, which will induce me to go into hyper-Virgo-manic cleaning mode.

Do you know where this is headed? Yes! I can’t keep up with the weekly blog schedule. Not the posting really, because I could always come up with something. The real time involved is visiting and commenting on other blogs. I don't know about you, but the number of comments this blog recieves is proportional the number of comments I leave at other blogs. 

So my presence in the blogoverse will be sporadic. I’m not totally throwing in the towel, but my free time seems to be disappearing faster than my natural hair color, and my current ms needs mucho editing.

What is the busiest time of year for you? Do you take blogging breaks or stick to your schedule no matter what?


  1. i think maybe fall is going to be the busiest--but as i look back, it seems i might just blog a little more then---guess autumn inspires me----i envy that virgo cleaning thing you got going on!

  2. Oh, man, I hear you! It is always easier for me to find time to blog than to get around to other blogs, but that just isn't how it works. Enjoy your summer!

  3. I hear you! This time of year is tough because my kids are finishing school. Today is the last day. I'm so ready to sleep in! :)

  4. Blog traffic lags during the summer due to school being out and vacations. For me, the fall tends to be busier but I don't have kids.

    Hate the crazy cleaning.

  5. Summer time is tough. Kids are home and family vacations take up a lot of time. Have a fun time, and don't stress about blogging.

  6. I never commit to a schedule anyway.
    Family always comes first. Don't worry about a thing!

  7. I don't have a schedule either. If I don't have time or don't have anything to say, I don't bore people with it.

  8. My busiest time is December, which is my summer holiday time. :-D

  9. Hey, Tamara! As you can tell by my own blog, sporadic (and that's a surreous understatement for this chica) is the only way I blog, so don't feel bad! But thanks for taking the time to pop over and check it out!

  10. Greetings!

    I participated in the A to Z Challenge and am slowly working my way through visiting the other participant's blogs. Nice to meet you! You have a lovely blog...

    Take care,

    Donna L Martin


I will do everything in my power to visit commenter's blogs unless I've been abducted by aliens or my children get sick. (If my children get abducted by aliens, I will be very busy, of course, catching up on my sleep.)