Monday, March 21, 2016

A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal!

Good Day, Y'all! Are you ready for some serious slogging, dogging, and jogging through all the blogging? Don't go hogging (those comments). Share 'til it hurts.

Last year I lost my mind decided to blog about mathematics, and believe it or not, it was actually a hoot and a half. So this year I'm going to branch out to some of the other realms of systematically organized bodies of knowledge. That's right, rabbits. It's time for science, but not just any old facts and formulae, I'm talking weird science. Black holes, cryptozoology, and exoplanets, oh my!

Why science? This is the spring of alternate history and parallel universes as I, along with nine other speculative authors, prepare to debut the ISWG anthology: Parallels, Felix Was Here on May 3. (And I'll be joining these authors at the book blog, Parallels, Felix Was Here, as it goes into more depth on the stories and other topics throughout the A to Z challenge.)

So, I hope you'll come back and visit. Have tea with a yeti, discuss your demise if you get sucked into a black hole, and discover what come out of the Oort cloud. 

I'll also be rocking the challenge as one of Stormy's Sidekicks! (See sidebar.) Go, Heather!

Are you joining the A to Z acrobats of this year's blogging zoo? What's your theme?


  1. Woah! That must require a lot of time! Have you already scheduled your posts in advance? This is my 2nd time in this challenge. I am just starting to prep-up. All the best to you!

    - Chicky Kadambari @
       Twitter | Facebook | Google+

  2. Love weird science, love science!

    Murder & Obsession, for me, what else. :)

  3. Awesome choice of theme - I shall definitely be back to find out what weird and wonderful things you have chosen to blog about each day.
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I enjoyed the math last year. Weird science will be cool to >:)

    I'm to busy right now so I have decided not to do the AZ challenge this year

    Cold As Heaven

  6. Woohoo! I'm Stormy's Sidekick, too! Looking forward to your posts.

  7. Go ahead - suck me into the black hole. Actually, best to wait until after May 3rd to do that.

  8. I was never a big science fan, but weird science always sucks me in. =)

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

  9. Science!
    We love that!
    You will rock it!


  10. Oooh weird science - count me interested! Looking forward to your posts.

  11. Yes, I'll definitely be dropping by. Black holes? I want to listen to what you have to say. All the best.

  12. Tamara, these are posts I will be stopping by to read. Science is weird and fun to follow.

  13. Science? I'm in. And may all of the forces be with you!!

  14. I am sure that by the end of April I will be interested in science!

    My A-Z theme 2016

  15. Very cool theme. :-)

    I'm just going to share snippets from my book.

  16. Sounds exciting! I'm looking forward to your posts!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Sounds fascinating. Good luck. Makes my intention to write 26 (very) short stories look tame in comparison.

  19. Hi, congrats on the antho, I am looking forward to reading. and who could resist tea with a Yeti? I'll be back in April.
    Best wishes,

  20. I love all things strange, so this one sounds good! I'm doing 100 word flash fiction on the darker side of human nature. Hope to see in April :)

  21. Ambitious theme--good luck and I'm looking forward to reading your posts. My theme is Driving Like A Brit, as I struggle to learn the A-Z of the British driving code. Gail at Making Life An Art

  22. I love weird science! I can't wait to see which topics you come up with.

  23. Weird science sounds like fun! Looking forward to it :)

  24. Hello, Tamara!! I came here from Alex's blog. I think science is a great choice - it has always fascinated me!

  25. Oh I will certainlycome back soon :P This looks like a different theme to me and a good change from music and movies :P Thanks

    The Solitary Writer - A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal

  26. I do like a bit of science. Sometimes I even understand a bit of it. Good luck with the challenge!

  27. That's going to be fun. Last year I did natural phenomena, which sort of ties in with your theme, I think. As I'm doing world-building this year, I'd better drop back and make sure I'm getting my science right :)
    Have fun
    Jemima Pett

  28. Woots! This sounds intriguing! I'll be around for sure through April! All the best :)


I will do everything in my power to visit commenter's blogs unless I've been abducted by aliens or my children get sick. (If my children get abducted by aliens, I will be very busy, of course, catching up on my sleep.)