Monday, March 7, 2016

Question of the Month with Michael D'Agostino

This month Michael asks:

Have you ever met an idol/influence/someone you really admire? How did it go?”

Yes I did, actually. A couple of years ago, RIT hosted a lecture series featuring Margaret Atwood. When I was in high school, The Handmaid's Tale was required reading and I loved it. When I read the book years later as a writer, I loved it even more. The voice of the protagonist is masterful. If you are a fan of The Hunger Games or The Divergent Series, this is quite a different type of dystopian tale, but I highly recommend it.

One thing that really stuck with me about Atwood's talk was her advice to writers trying to break into the publishing business: "Don't whine about it." That got a big laugh. 

After the talk, there was a reception and book signing. I picked up a few books including The Year of the Flood and The Blind Assassin. When I got up to the front of the line, she asked me my name and said, "Tamara? A romantic name."

So that's it. I'd say it went pretty well. 

This is a blog hop, so please join us. Here where you can sign up. 


  1. That's awesome! It's also great that you got to listen to her talk and get some advice.

  2. Fun! I have a note to go back and re-read some of her novels. I enjoyed them the first time around.... :)

  3. Glad you also had a good experience meeting an author you admire.

  4. haha great advice from her indeed. Whining goes nowhere.

  5. Oh, you have a romantic name. ;) I've used Tamara for the name of an island. :)

    How awesome you got to hear her talk. I need to check out her books!

  6. Oh, you have a romantic name. ;) I've used Tamara for the name of an island. :)

    How awesome you got to hear her talk. I need to check out her books!

  7. I've never had that pleasure. It'd be awesome though, to meet Stephen King. Tamara is a romantic name, my nieces name too!

  8. That sounds like a great experience. And your name is romantic.

  9. I agree that it is a romantic name!! That's awesome that meeting your idol went so well. :)

  10. How neat to meet Margaret Atwood! I probably would have been groveling just a little. :)

  11. She sounds awesome! That comment aout your name makes me think she always has her writer's brain switched on.

    A Life Examined

  12. I've read Handmaid's Tale and Year of the Flood--both pretty good books. You can use her response to you as a model someday when people are lined up for you to sign their copies of your book.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  13. I keep missing this event regardless of the email reminders. I met Dean Koontz once and had my picture taken with him. Congrats! on your moment.

  14. It sounds like you had a great experience! I've heard of The Handmaid's Tale, but I didn't know what it was about. I might have to add it to my never-ending TBR list :)

  15. I've been considering to join this blog hop. I will probably sign up now (or sometime this month)

    Cold As Heaven

  16. Handmaid's Tale was required reading for us too! You're so lucky to have met her :)

  17. That must have been pretty cool to meet her and have her say that about your name. I agree with her.

  18. Oh, that's nice of her to say. I've heard she can be somewhat caustic sometimes--glad that wasn't the case with you.

    Mine is Chuck Wendig. I'd long loved his blog, so was a bit shy about approaching him, but am so glad I did. He's been an awesome friend and source of support ever since.

  19. I still have to read A Handmaid's Tale. One day real soon, I will.

  20. How cool to meet the author. I have to ask, when you say RIT, are you referring to Rochester Institute of Technology? (curious as my son is a freshman there) ;) Stopping by from a-z!

  21. I'm not a Margaret Atwood fan, but I do hear that her dystopian or sci-fi-type novels are her best. Glad you had a positive experience meeting her.

  22. Great wee story, glad your idol didn't disappoint 😊
    Andrea from D's Company #atozchallenge


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