Monday, June 20, 2016

L.G. Keltner is the bomb

Howdy, y'all! I've got another exciting author announcement. This time it's a cover reveal for L.G. Keltner's new book:

Cover Art: L.G. Keltner and Jamon Wallker

This 25 K bundle of fun is YA/holiday/humor with a release date of June 28, 2016. Now for the blurb:

Dani Finklemeier has self-published her guide to taking over the world, but she still isn’t rich.  Now she’s eighteen, still babysitting for money, and looking forward to starting college in the fall.

Of course, she has to survive a 4th of July outing with her family first.  That’s a challenging prospect considering she has to be in close proximity with a group of cousins known as The Fallible Four.  As if that weren’t enough, she also has to deal with the fallout of her parents learning more about her relationship with her boyfriend Seth than she ever wanted them to know.

The good news is that, if she survives this holiday, she’ll have plenty of material for another self-help book.


Want more good news? You don't have to wait until June 28 to meet Dani. How to Survive a Bombardment with Minimal Injury is a sequel to Self-Help 101 or How I Learned To Take Over The World Through Tolerating My Family.

Here is my five-star review:  This was a quick, fun read. Dani (teenager) has to endure Christmas in a small house with 9 members of her family. It immediately brought to mind National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, although the level of zaniness is toned down enough so that you could easily imagine these characters as real people. The older relatives are judgmental and just plain mental. The middle age ones carry on psychological warfare with each other, and the young ones hide in various rooms to stay out of the way. The subplot of Dani falling in love with her best friend, Seth, was very sweet. The premise of Dani composing a self-help book in which she rewrites the insanity going on around her as tips for taking over the world actually works well. I loved the surprise twist at the end involving Great Aunt Ruth Ann.

The new book is available for pre-order at both Amazon or Smashwords. You can find Self-Help 101: How I Learned To Take Over The World By Tolerating My Family here:


About a month after writing that review, I found out I'd be a co-author with L.G. in the IWSG speculative fiction anthology Parallels: Felix Was Here. (It's a small world after all.) Here's a little more information about this versatile writer.

Bio: L.G. Keltner spends most of her time trying to write while also cleaning up after her crazy but wonderful kids and hanging out with her husband.  Her favorite genre of all time is science fiction, and she’s been trying to write novels since the age of six.  Needless to say, those earliest attempts weren’t all that good. 

Her non-writing hobbies include astronomy and playing Trivial Pursuit.

You can typically find L.G. lurking around her blog, on Twitter, or on her Facebook page.

Have you met L.G. through blogging or whatnot? Read anything funny lately?

(For a chance to win my short story collection, Heart Stopper and Other Stories, click on over to Crystal Collier's blog. At the bottom is her two truths and one lie game. Today is the last day to vote.)


  1. Both sound like fun books. Ironic you both ended up in the anthology together. Or was it fate?

  2. What a neat idea for a story. I enjoy a book that makes me laugh. And the covers of both books invite me to open them and see what's inside. Congratulations to L. G. Here's to lots of sales.

  3. I need to read these! They sound like so much fun!

  4. I love the covers! They are perfect for sparking a grin on a Monday morning in the office. Hm... I may have to pick up both books.

  5. Both those books sound enjoyable and like fun!

  6. Great idea for a story. I love the covers. And awesome how you connected after reviewing her book.

  7. Thank you so much for featuring my books and for the great review! I do have my book up for pre-order now on Amazon and Smashwords. Still waiting for it to appear elsewhere. I did a lot of formatting and last minute things over the weekend.



    1. Cool. I've updated the post to include these links.

  8. Woo Hoo! Many congrats, L.G.!

    Hi, Tamara:)

  9. Sounds like a great read. Holidays with family are a goldmine for stories...

  10. A fun cover to go with a fun book! Congrats to L.G.!

  11. LG's books sound like great fun. Best wishes for the success of the new book!

    I have read both LG's and yours in Felix was here, and they are awesome! That whole antho is a treat.

    Congrats to both of you!

  12. Now that's a unique cover, lol.

  13. Love the cover. I've read the first book and it was a lot of fun. Look forward to getting my hands on the second. Congratulations to both of you!!

  14. Congrats to L.G. It sounds like a fun series.

  15. Yay for L.G.! I loved having her on the blog. So much fun. Comedy rocks, eh?

  16. Yay! Great books! Congratulations all around.

  17. This sounds like a fun book! Nice to have a book that can give us a few laughs. :)

  18. Congratulations! Yay for L.G.! Her first book was such fun, and I can't wait to read the next one.

  19. Yay for L.G. These both look great.

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