Monday, June 28, 2010

How To Kill Your Husband With Three Simple Words

Hello Blogger World. I had a fabulous weekend. The spouse and I took our little chickens to Cascades Indoor Water Park at the Greek Peak Resort in Cortland, NY. It’s just outside of Syracuse. We had a blast!

The indoor water park boasts slides of all sizes from pink pip-squeak to the mind-blowing whirlwind of green death. I say, go for the green! It scared me silly and afterwards I said to my husband, “Wow, that was fun. You should try it. I dare you!”

Oops. You would think I’d know better, especially after all the head injuries this poor man has experienced during previous family trips. See this blog. But no, I said the words and he took the bait.

I managed to haul my two daughters over to the bottom of the slide just in time for them to see Daddy land badly, smack his head on the concrete bottom, and flail about, unable to find the surface. After a quick round of rock, paper, scissors, the loosing lifeguard hopped in and helped him up. (Kidding, the lifeguards were awesome. Not one made fun of my cellulite. At least, not when I could hear it. Hmmm . . .)

After that, I vowed to keep my mouth shut. But then I tried the orange slide of shriekin’ good times on an inner tube. Dude! I told my husband it was sooo much more fun than the green one. I can’t believe he listened to me. He did manage to get down that one uninjured.

Sorry, honey. My bad.


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