Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Nathan Bransford's 'Rock Paper Tiger' Contest

People playing rock paper scissors, (Close-up)

Stop what you’re doing, writers, and go check out this contest posted Tuesday, June 1. Enter and have super-blogger and agent Nathan Bransford read an excerpt from your wip. How cool is that?

All you need is a 500 word or less action/suspense sequence. You can grab one you’ve already written or make one up from scratch. Deadline is tomorrow.

I know my chances for winning are small, but I could really use the prize—a query consult. So back to the forums I go. I’ve posted my latest query for mangling, um, constructive criticism and I need to go comment on others.

Time to spread the love!

Also: The Creepy Query Girl has posted the finalists for her Query Spoof Contest. So go vote for your fave! Although I'm partial to the Poltergeist spoof, the Twilight one made me laugh the most.


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I will do everything in my power to visit commenter's blogs unless I've been abducted by aliens or my children get sick. (If my children get abducted by aliens, I will be very busy, of course, catching up on my sleep.)